In the far and darkest corner of the North East, resides a distinctive and diverse group of creatives, known collectively as “Redcar Creatives.” From performers to painters, designers to photographers, many nationally recognised, some internationally, but all leaders in their field. Between the 27th and 30th May 2011, Redcar Creatives will come together to show…
2011 UCI XC World Cup at Dalby Forest: 3 weeks to go…
The circus that is the Mountain Bike World Cup has already kicked off with Round One taking place last month inĀ Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Round two is now only three weeks away in North Yorkshires own Dalby Forest, near Pickering. For the second year in a row British Cycling get to play host to one of…
The Cricket Season is underway…
We’ve all noticed, these last few weeks the need for sun cream and hats before we go outside! Up here in the North East, its not quite hot enough for the shorts yet, however the sun cream does signify the start of the cricket season! 8 hour days spent, both basking and hiding from the…
A Luta Continua! The Struggle Continues!
An exhibition of two half’s is currently showing at The Side Gallery in Newcastle, until the 28th May. And I’m honoured to say, that is contains some of my work. Work from demonstrations which I have photographed over the last two years in Britain. “An exhibition of classic photography from the Side Archive & an…
Something different…
Its not all sport and this week saw me heading out and shooting a different job, for a different kind of client. I’m fortunate enough to live in one of the most visually beautiful parts of the country, the North York Moors. I’m foolish, in that I don’t make enough of it, I’m usually driving…
The Eider Chase…
Somehow, despite working as a sports photographer for a good few years and around horses for almost as long I haven’t covered horse racing, that is until last Saturday. I was asked to do the Eider Chase in Newcastle, a simple and basic brief of jumping action was all I was given. I already spend…
Pain and Glory
Never has the saying, “Pain and Glory” been so true as to what I witnessed on Saturday evening at the UCI Track Cycling World Cup in Manchester. As the men’s Keirin got underway I was working just up from the start/finish line, in track centre. The race got underway and all went as expected until…
EDL Nottingham
Saturday the 5th December saw Nottingham city centre play host to the far right English Defence League (EDL). A number of major city centre roads were closed during the rally which saw approximately 700 EDL supporters march through Nottingham and was followed by violent clashes between the EDL and police. There were also a number of…