I’ve been on the road now more or less continuously since early June… It slowly takes it’s toll… I get a couple of days at home, which are taken up with admin, sleeping and if I’m lucky a quick spin on my bike… and then I’m back in the van and off to the next job… I wouldn’t have it any other way… I love going to new places, meeting new people and seeing new things…
Last month, I spent four days at the Royal Welsh show. Thursday finished at 8pm, I had a 6am flight out of Newcastle the following morning… 6 hours of driving, followed by frantic bag packing, results in less than an hours kip, thank God for online check in!
It was my first trip to Belgium, and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but found Antwerp a beautiful city, with character and stunning buildings….
The people were some of the friendliest I have met in Europe, mostly speaking English, usually better than me… and the beer… well, one bar had over 380 to chose from! Of course, I couldn’t say no, so we started at the top and ticked as many as we could…
The Belgium’s like their bikes, lots of bikes, they were everywhere…
I’m already hoping and planning to get back to Antwerp soon, and for longer… two days isn’t enough to see any city, not least one as diverse and friendly as Antwerp.
Your thoughts are welcome...